20 Harmful Effects of Junk Food That Can Easily Ruin Your Body

20 Harmful Effects of Junk Food

What Are adverse effects of Junk Food? Are there any? Some of you might be wondering!

Yes, junk foods are tasty, and many people consume them, especially children. But these unhealthy foods only taste good on our tongues and do not provide any nutritional value to our bodies.

In-fact frequent consumption of junk food can have serious consequences, leading to the deterioration of your health.

Some of the ill effects of junk food might include depression, various digestive disorders, heart issues, cancer, diabetes, or even early Death.

While most people are aware of these disadvantages, few are not & hence to help them out, We will be covering its drawbacks which hopefully will help curb junk food addiction and improve nutritional status.

Disadvantages of junk food

  1. Cardiovascular problems

    One of the major issues is cardiovascular problems. Junk or fast foods have a high amount of fat, salt, carbohydrates, and sugar which can build up plaque in the arteries blocking blood flow throughout your body which can result in various heart diseases, heart attacks, and strokes. However, one can prevent this by consuming a rich diet such as fruits, vegetables, and other inflammatory food items.

  2. Kidney damage

    Consuming junk foods occasionally is fine, but making it part of your everyday dietsan may have serious long-term effects on your kidneys. According to a recent study, too much consumption of junk foods can lead to type 2 diabetes, where the body stops generating enough insulin resulting in diabetic kidney disease. Treating yourself to burgers and pizzas should be ok, as long as it does not replace your balanced healthy diet..

  3. Dental Cavities

    One of the concerning bad effects of junk food is tooth decay and dental cavities caused by the salt and sugar in these foods. Debris sticks to your teeth upon consuming these foods allowing acids to build on the surface of your teeth. Apart from this, these foods are also known to break down the teeth’s enamel, making them highly prone to cavities and tooth Decay.

  4. Depression

    Depression can be caused by the amount of sugar present in the blood measured on the GI scale (Glycemic index). Consuming food items such as white bread, white rice and soda may trigger a hormonal response in the body trying to reduce the blood sugar levels resulting into mood changes such as fatigue and depression, but this can easily avoid this by having a diet rich in fiber,consuming whole grains,vegetables and non-juice fruits.

  5. Skin Problems

    Too much junk food can harm your health as well as your skin by stimulating oil and sweat glands resulting in acne. Moreover, foods high in fats and sugars can cause your skin to darken leading to hyper-pigmentation & uneven skin tone. One can prevent this by avoiding packed and canned foods, sauces, spicy foods, top salt, fatty red meat, alcohol, etc.

  6. Learning and memory problems

    Junk foods are known to cause toxic inflammation affecting PNNs (Perineuronal nets) which are structures forming a network around neurons inside our brains, causing learning and memory loss & once your brain cells get damaged, you cannot replace them, even if you start following a healthy rich diet.

  7. Loss of appetite and digestion

    Everybody knows that junk foods can help us gain weight, but on other hand, too much of it’s consumption can also destroy our appetite for healthy food by affecting the hippocampus, an area of our brain that supports memory & regulates appetite.

  8. Inadequate growth and development

    Junk foods not only affect our health and make us obese, but it can also pose a serious threat to the bones of the growing kid by stunting the skeletal growth and making the bones weaker even if consumed in a small amount.

  9. Impacts the Respiratory System

    Junk food indirectly harms our respiratory system by making us obese. Obesity can increase your chances of developing respiratory problems like asthma & can even cause shortness of Breath.

  10. Impacts reproductive system

    According to a study, men who ate too much fast food like pizzas, burgers, fries, etc had 25% lower sperm counts compared to men who followed a balanced healthy rich diet on the other hand women who consumed too much fast food took time to become pregnant and even likely experienced infertility compared to those who avoided these kinds of meals.

  11. Weight Gain

    Consuming excessive amounts of junk food can lead to high unhealthy fats and calorie intake, which in turn can make you obese.

  12. Type 2 Diabetes

    There is a high chance of your blood sugar level increasing due to excess sugar & refined carbs. This in return can increase the risk of insulin resistance.

  13. Increased Inflammation

    If you are a big lover of processed food, be aware of the trigger inflammation that is known to lead to chronic diseases.

  14. Liver Disease

    Fats and sugars can be good for health only if consumed in the required quantity. Overconsumption can lead to conditions like fatty liver disease.

  15. Increased Risk of Cancer

    Processed foods contain certain Carcinogenic substances, known to give rise to certain cancers.

  16. Weakens Immune System

    Poor diet leads to poor nutrition, which can weaken your immunity, decreasing the ability of your immune system to fight infections.

  17. High Cholesterol

    You will increase your bad cholesterol ( LDL) due to saturated and trans fats & along the way, also increase the risk of suffering from heart disease.

  18. Hormonal Imbalance

    It can disrupt your hormonal production and regulation leading to issues like mood swings, acne, Fatigue, etc.

  19. Gastrointestinal Issues

    You might need to face digestive problems like constipation, Acid Reflux (GERD), Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) & Lactose Intolerance due to the lack of fiber.

  20. Mental health issues

    It can disturb our mental stability, causing anxiety, and depression due to nutrient deficiencies.


Yes, these issues can scare the hell out of junk food lovers but worry not as long as consumed occasionally in small quantities. Consuming home-cooked food and following a healthy balanced diet is the way to go if you wish to keep yourself away from deadly diseases and live a healthy life.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are some of the side effects of junk food?

  • Weight Gain & Obesity
  • Heart Disease
  • Diabetes
  • Digestive Issues
  • Nutritional Deficiencies
  • Increased Risk of Cancer
  • Addiction
  • Poor Mental Health
  • Skin Issues
  • Weakened Immune System
  • Fatty Liver Disease
  • Increased Inflammation
  • Dental Problems
  • High Blood Pressure

What are junk foods?

The term junk food dates back to the 1950s and refers to food items that are high in calories and low in nutrients. Some prime examples of junk food are pizza, burgers, cakes, biscuits, etc., which contain a large amount of sugar, salt, and fat and are usually processed and contain artificial flavors and additives. These items are available in boxes, cans, or packages.

Why are junk foods addictive?

The taste we feel has more to do with our brains than our mouths. When we consume junk food, a chemical known as dopamine gets released, which provides a sense of satisfaction, and it is a common human tendency to repeat the things that make us happy. Moreover, junk foods are also known to bypass our natural system, tricking our brains into believing that we have not consumed any calories and enticing us to eat more than needed.

How is junk food harmful to our health?

It is because it contains fats and trans-fats, which can lead to obesity, type 2 diabetes, and various other diseases. It can also cause severe headaches, migraine, and acne.

Which is the most harmful junk food?

It is likely soda (regular soft drinks) as they are high in sugar & provide no nutritional value.

Which is the healthiest junk food?

It is likely dark chocolate (with at least 70% cocoa) as it is low in sugar and rich in antioxidants.

What are the top 10 junk foods?

  1. Soda (Regular Soft Drinks)
  2. Potato Chips & Other Processed Snacks
  3. Candy & Sweets
  4. Fast Food (Burgers, Fried Chicken, Fries)
  5. Frozen Pizza
  6. Ice Cream & Frozen Desserts
  7. Doughnuts & Pastries
  8. Sugary Breakfast Cereals
  9. Processed Meats (Hot Dogs, Sausages, etc.)
  10. Energy Drinks

How does junk food affect students?

It can cause a lack of concentration, a decrease in learning ability, and behavioral and cognitive issues, besides metabolic disorders.

Also Read:

How to avoid eating junk food


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