How is Thorough Chewing of Food Helpful in Digestion?

How is Thorough Chewing of Food Helpful in Digestion

Digestion is a complicated process that begins in the mouth & is very crucial to support the various stages of digestion.

It is something that often gets neglected by people, but the act of thorough chewing can have a significant impact on our overall digestive health.

Today in this article, we will discuss how is thorough chewing of food helpful in digestion & how it can lead to effective digestion.

So without further adieu, let us get started!

What is chewing food?

Chewing, also called “mastication” is a process where the food gets crushed, grinded, and mixed with saliva.

It is the beginning stage in the process of digestion which helps in the further breakdown of the food in the stomach and intestines.

The chewing process does not only reduce the size of the food but also releases enzymes that help in efficient digestion.

How is Thorough Chewing of Food Helpful in Digestion?

Chewing food thoroughly can have several benefits from enhanced enzymatic action to alleviation of digestive discomfort.

1. Enhanced Enzymatic Action

Enhanced Enzymatic Action

Chewing boosts the flow of saliva containing digestive enzymes like amylase, lipase & lingual lipase, which helps the breakdown of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins.

It increases the contact time between food and saliva, increasing the effectiveness of enzymes and breaking down the nutrients into small, more digestible forms.

2. Improved Nutrient Absorption

It becomes easier for our stomach and intestines to handle food that we properly chew as it gets broken down into smaller particles increasing the surface area available for enzymes & digestive juices to act upon, leading to efficient nutrition absorption.

Digesting nutrition properly can boost our energy levels and improve our overall health.

3. Regulation of Appetite

Thorough chewing of food promotes the secretion of enzymes like ghrelin and leptin responsible for regulating our appetite and satiety.

Taking enough time to chew food also provides these hormones an opportunity to signal our brain that we have consumed sufficient food helping us avoid overeating & weight management.

4. Alleviation of Digestive Discomfort

Thorough chewing of food reduces the size of the food reducing the strain on the digestive system by ensuring that the food enters our stomach in a more manageable state, avoiding any digestive discomfort.

Large food particles can be difficult to digest & can cause health issues like bloating, indigestion, and gas.

How to Chew Food Properly?

You can maximize the benefits of chewing by following the 4 proven methods below:

1. Take your time

Clock showing 3 pm

Don’t be in a hurry to complete your meal.

Take time as much as possible, slow down, and enjoy your meal.

Ensure 20 to 32 chews per bite to break down the food as much as possible before swallowing it.

2. Mindful eating

Always keep your mind present during the meals & try to focus on your act of eating by paying attention to the flavors, textures & smells of your food.

It will help you in developing better eating habits & also in improving digestion.

3. Small, manageable bites

Divide your food into smaller pieces to make it easier for you to chew

Avoid taking large bites, as it can hinder effective chewing and digestion.

4. Chew all types of food

 Make chewing food a habit, whether vegetables, meats, fruits, or grains.

These food groups require different chewing techniques to break them down effectively.

What If You Don’t Chew Your Food Enough?

Not chewing your food enough can cause various digestive issues, negatively impacting your health as the food does not get broken down enough, putting stress on your digestive system & potentially leading to:

  • Poor Nutrient Absorption

As a result of inadequate chewing, larger food particles reach our stomach and intestine reducing the efficiency of nutrition absorption.

It can lead to nutrient deficiencies and digestive discomforts like bloating, gas, and indigestion.

There is also a chance of the larger particles getting fermented by the gut bacteria resulting in excess gas, causing discomfort and abdominal distension.

  • Nutritional Imbalances

Inadequately chewed food passes through the digestive system without breaking down, resulting in the loss of valuable nutrients, which our body could have absorbed and utilized.

It leads to nutritional imbalances and potential deficiencies.

  • Weight Management Challenges

Insufficient chewing may lead to overeating by enticing us to consume food in a larger quantity before feeling satiated.

Now this can lead to excess calorie intake and difficulty in weight management.

Quick eating and inadequate chewing can increase the risk of choking as the food particle might get lodged in your throat or windpipe, requiring immediate medical attention.

  • Increased Risk of Choking

Quick eating and inadequate chewing can increase the risk of choking as the food particle might get lodged in your throat or windpipe, requiring immediate medical attention.


Thorough chewing of food is a vital part of the digestive process that people often overlook.

If you wish to prevent various digestive disorders and maintain well-being, take your time to chew food adequately, which definitely will regulate your appetite, improve nutrient absorption and reduce digestive discomfort.

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  • Sanshreefoods

    We are a team of food enthusiasts passionate about creating culinary delights in the kitchen & serving people delicious homemade foods. We love experimenting with new ingredients and techniques and have a keen eye for presentation.

1 thought on “How is Thorough Chewing of Food Helpful in Digestion?”

  1. Wow, what an enlightening article! I never realized the significant impact of thorough chewing on digestion until I read this. The explanation of how proper chewing breaks down food particles, aids in nutrient absorption, and eases the burden on the digestive system was eye-opening. I’ll definitely be more mindful of my chewing habits moving forward. Thank you for sharing this valuable insight!

    I noticed that the article focuses on the benefits of thorough chewing for digestion, but I’m curious to know if there are any other potential advantages beyond digestion that come with this practice. Does thorough chewing have any impact on satiety levels or overall nutrient absorption?

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